Vol. 12 (2024): Journal of the California Math Project
Interview with Judy Kysh: California Mathematics Education: Policy, Projects, and People, Robert Stein...1
Bringing Joy to Uninspired Teachers of Math – Touchstone Strategies, Part 2, Hal Melnick...7
Three Area Measurement Tasks Connecting Area-Units, Multiplication, and Area Formula, Sayonita Ghosh Hajra and Brianna Davis...19
The Mathematics Diagnostics Testing Project (MDTP) as a Formative Tool to Support Students’ Access to Mathematics: Identify, Analyze, and Enact, Kimberly Samaniego and John Sarli...33
Research to Practice Sampler: Assessments, Kimberly Cervello Rogers and Sean P. Yee...47
Book Review: Choosing to See, Bob Stein...51