
  • Journal of the California Math Project
    Vol. 12 (2024)

    Interview with Judy Kysh: California Mathematics Education: Policy, Projects, and People, Robert Stein...1

    Bringing Joy to Uninspired Teachers of Math – Touchstone Strategies, Part 2, Hal Melnick...7

    Three Area Measurement Tasks Connecting Area-Units, Multiplication, and Area Formula, Sayonita Ghosh Hajra and Brianna Davis...19

    The Mathematics Diagnostics Testing Project (MDTP) as a Formative Tool to Support Students’ Access to Mathematics: Identify, Analyze, and Enact, Kimberly Samaniego and John Sarli...33

    Research to Practice Sampler: Assessments, Kimberly Cervello Rogers and Sean P. Yee...47

    Book Review: Choosing to See, Bob Stein...51

  • Journal of the California Math Project
    Vol. 11 (2022)

    Combined 2021-2022 Issue of JCMP

  • Journal of the California Mathematics Project
    Vol. 10 (2019)

    Combined 2019-2020 Issue of JCMP

  • Journal of the California Mathematics Project - MACIMISE Special Issue
    Vol. 9 (2018)

    What is MACIMISE?  Sandy Dawson
    One Last Circle Andrea M. Aiona
    Ms. R. and Ms B. and the Coconut Unit Lesson Dora Miura
    Pohnpeian Traditional Feast House -- Nahsen Pohnpei  Tendy Liwy
    Introduction to Nine Lessons from The Little Crooked House  Miuty E. Nokar

  • Journal of the California Mathematics Project
    Vol. 8 (2017)

    • Front Matter, Robert Stein
    • Social Justice in Mathematics Education: Acknowledgement-Action-Accountability Kyndall Brown, Diane Kinch
    • Beyond Drill & Practice: Using Technology to Assess and Promote Reflection in Elementary Students’ Mathematical Explanations Melissa Soto
    • Pathways and Pitfalls on the Road to Equity in Mathematics Classrooms Alma Ramirez, Katie Salguero
    • Observations on How Students Approach E-Mathematics Courses Cassondra Lochard
    • Exploring Area with Lattice Polygons Robert Stein
    • Book Review Bob Stein
  • Journal of the California Mathematics Project
    Vol. 7 No. 1 (2015)

    Table of Contents
    A Pedagogical Framework for Distinguishing Mathematical Definitions in the Classroom, RaKissa Cribari
    Deepening Student Understanding of Area and Volume by Focusing on Units and Arrays, Allison Dorko and Natasha Speer 
    Connecting Concepts in Color: Patterns and Algebra, Shandy Hauk, Sarah Cremer, Cathy Carroll, Katie M. D’Silva, Mardi Gale, Katie Salguero, and Kimberly Viviani 
    Inductive Math Instruction, Michael Sweeley 
    Alpha University Department of Mathematics Five-Year Program Review, Viji K. Sundar 
    GEOMETRY LESSON - Flying Kites: Raising Students Sky High, Veronica C. Chaidez and Jessica Romo
    GEOMETRY LESSON - When Will I Ever Use It? Putt-Putt Golf, Maria Figueroa and Fabian Jauregui

  • Journal of the California Mathematics Project [select to view/download content]
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2013)

    Table of Contents
    Color work to enhance proof-writing in geometry, 
    Allison Toney, Kelli M. Slaten, Elisabeth F. Peters, and Shandy Hauk
    Teaching to the test... sort of, Clinton Rempel
    Twenty years training future middle and high school mathematics teachers, Diane Lau
    Counting on Bayes' theorem or "Back to the future...", Angelo Segalla and Yonghee Kim-Park
    Toward a conceptual understanding of fractions using the number line model, Kimy Liu

  • Journal of the California Mathematics Project [select to view/download content]
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2012)

    Table of Contents
    Teacher leadership development as a critical component of systemic reform: The San Joaquin Valley Mathematics Project, Carol Fry Bohlin
    The road not taken: A case study in the search for computational power and conceptual understanding, Robert Stein
    Understanding students' perspectives: Mathematical autobiographies of undergraduates who are not math majors, Shandy Hauk
    Digital art and animation motivates school students to persist in solving STEM problems, Sandi Lavito

  • Journal of the Central California Mathematics Project
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2011)

    Published on paper. The editors seek a copy of this issue to scan and upload.

  • Journal of the Central California Mathematics Project [select to view/download content]
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2010)

    Table of Contents
    Getting students excited about learning mathematics, Jen-Mei Chang 
    Making sense of transformations of graphs, Joshua Chesler
    WeBWorK- Part II: Perceptions and success in college algebra, Shandy Hauk and Angelo Segalla 
    My first MathFest - What an exciting and rejuvenating experience!  Jonathan Brown
    English Learners in the mathematics classroom, a view from critical hermeneutics, Iris Haapanen
    Math for teachers: An exploratory approach, Robert G. Stein with Laura Wallace
    Teaching problem solving at the elementary level using a deck of playing cards, Viji K. Sundar

  • Journal of the Central California Mathematics Project [select to view/download content]
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2010)

    Table of Contents
    Foreword and Introduction
    Comparing apples to oranges, Kerri Khan, Natalia Moore, and Viji Sundar
    The supplemental instruction program and my experience, Maryam Arvizu
    High school mathematics homework and WeBWorK, Angelo Segalla and Shandy Hauk
    Common errors from the misuse of order of operations, Renuka Prakash and Stephanie Souza
    Mathematical modeling using difference equations, Jung-Ha An
    It's never too late to teach old dogs - or teachers - new tricks!  Marie Vanisko and Angelo Segalla
    Twelve challenging problems, Francisco Garcia
    A creative way to review the multiplication table, Stella Estrada

  • Journal of the Central California Mathematics Project [select to view/download content]
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2009)

    Note: scanned from original paper publication
    Table of Contents
    Introduction, Susie W. Håkansson
    Foreword, William Covino
    Geometry in athletics, Diedre Rodriguez
    Cartoon corner, Mary Nay
    Math! A world of discovery, Ramina Isaac
    Modular math in music, Ron Imbessi
    It's about... rounding numbers, Mary Gonzales
    Teaching basic math skills with Excel, Stephanie Souza
    PB&J sandwich vs. candy bars: Use math to decide, Heather Coughlin
    A model to help Thai students learn statistics, Ruangporn Prasitkusol
    Quartiles made easy by an excellent formula, Wimol Sanguan
    Don't wear that button out!, Brian Jue and Michael Bice
    Linear and abstract algebra for teachers, Marie Vanisko and Viji Sundar